What is Laser Hair Reduction?
Laser hair reduction (LHR) is a procedure that uses a laser or a concentrated beam of light to get rid of hair in different areas of body.
If you are not happy with shaving or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering.
Laser treatment for hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures now a days. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorbs the light that destroys the hair follicle.
When done by a trained professional with the right equipment, it is the safest method of hair removal available today. It is best for all age groups and genders and can be done safely in all areas of the body including face and genitals, without any pain or side effects. Males and females have equally adopted laser hair removal as their choice of therapy to do away with unwanted body hair.
If there are abnormally excessive hair growth on face, abdomen and other parts of body, than actual root cause of the same has to be considered and found out. Hormonal disturbance can cause excessive hair growth on various parts of body for which dermatologist at Skinesis Clinique helps people to diagnose any issues of PCOD before starting laser hair removal.
How to prepare for laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is more than just “zapping” unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that require trained best skin doctor and technician to perform the procedure and carries potential risks.
If you planning to undergo laser hair removal, you should limit plucking or waxing for at least six weeks because the laser targets the hair roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.
Areas covered
Laser hair reduction is safe, tried and tested method which can be done at a specific part of the body or full body. Long term hair reduction by LHR is the ultimate solution to avoid waxing, razors, epilation, and their pain and side effects.

The area to be treated is marked and covered with a cool gel. Laser light is given on the surface of the skin which penetrates into the hair root and permanently removes the hair root, thus giving long-term freedom from unwanted hair in that area.
Results and side effects
The response depends on the type of skin a person has, the darkness and the thickness of hair. 80-90% reduction is achieved in 6-8 sessions, each at an interval of 6-8 weeks. Hormonal disturbance or thicker hair may require more sessions. It’s necessary to take appropriate medications by a skin doctor for PCOD while one is on laser treatment, where only laser sessions may not provide expected results.
When performed with a good USFDA Approved laser machine after assessing the right skin type and operated by a trained person then laser hair reduction is not associated with any side effects. Rare side effects are redness, pain, and temporary pigmentation.
Benefits of laser hair reduction
• Permanent reduction in hair
• Safe and efficacious
• No pain
• No side effect
• Prevents rashes which are caused after waxing
• Prevents in grown hair
• Prevents boils around hair follicle
• Prevents strawberry legs appearance
What’s at Skinesis Clinique?
At Skinesis Clinique, our therapist expertise in selectively removing unwanted hair from the skin. We make use of technology that is highly safe for all skin types.

Laser beams selectively target coarse hair and retard hair growth. It leads to thinning of unwanted hair growth and removes hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, and other areas of the body.
• Latest and advanced tools are used for the procedure
• Devices used for the procedures is US-FDA approved
• Proper sterilization is our top most priority to avoid any kind of infection and thus the procedure becomes risk free
• Number of sessions and the nature of the treatment are always planned according to individual consultation with our dermatologist
• All pre and post operative instructions are always given to the patient before and after the procedure
• Regular follow up calls by the clinic to ensure patient is not facing any discomfort
• Every procedure is explained properly to the patient regarding downtime and any special instructions.
• In case of any discomfort patient can also contact clinic any time during working hours for any support regarding treatment.
• Ideal Laser approach for guaranteed results in even PCOS hair growth.
Consult our expert skin doctor to know what is best for you for hair removal and number of sessions required.